Intel quietly announced availability of its DC S3510 SSDs for data centers. Built in the 2.5-inch form-factor, with SATA 6 Gb/s interface, these drives feature SET (standard-endurance technology) MLC NAND flash built by IMFlash Technology, on a 16 nanometer node, which can take in up to 880 TBW. Its controller offers native 256-bit AES encryption. The drive is available in capacities of 80 GB, 120 GB, 240 GB, 480 GB, 800 GB, 1.2 TB, and 1.6 TB. The table below shows sequential and 4K random access performance figures by the company for each model. The drives are backed by 5-year warranties, and are available in the OEM channel. Its target consumers are low-cost dedicated hosting providers.