Memory chipmaker SK Hynix has reported operating profits of KRW785 billion (US$727 million) for the fourth quarter of 2013, down 33% from the record of KRW1.16 billion in the previous quarter, while consolidated revenues slipped 18% on quarter to KRW3.37 billion.
However, the profit result for fourth-quarter 2013 represents a significant jump from the only KRW55 billion reported for the same period of 2012, while revenues registered on-year growth of 24%.
SK Hynix indicated its DRAM bit shipments decreased 13% sequentially in the fourth quarter, but its ASP grew 1%. Meanwhile, NAND Flash bit shipments dropped 14% with the ASP falling 5% on quarter.
SK Hynix posted net profits of KRW789 billion in the fourth quarter of 2013, down 18% sequentially but up 382% from a year earlier.
For all of 2013, SK Hynix announced consolidated sales rose 39% to KRW14.2 trillion, and a return to profitability. The firm credited the positive performance to rising sales of all its product lines, as well as a favorable market environment.
Looking forward, SK Hynix will start full-scale mass production of 2ynm-made DRAM chips during 2014 and expand its portfolio for mobile devices, the company noted. As for NAND Flash, SK Hynix is looking to consolidate its product portfolio with its in-house developed controller solutions, and also enter full-scale mass production of 16nm chips.
In addition, SK Hynix indicated the company is gearing up to complete the development of 3D NAND Flash memory and begin to provide chip samples. Mass production of its 3D NAND chips is expected to kick off during 2014.