SK Hynix (‘the Company’, announced that it has developed the industry’s first 20nm class 4Gb(gigabit) graphics DDR3 DRAM which provides power efficiency and fast speed performance.
This product works at 1.35V which is 30% less power consumption compared to the previous 30nm class 1.5V product. As an eco-friendly product, it is well suited for the low power laptop since it operates at a low-voltage while it offers graphics performance as the desktop level.
The product operates at the speed of 1.8Gbps and processes up to 3.6GB(gigabytes) of data per second with a 16-bit I/O. Operating at 1.5V with this product is also available with the speed of 2.0Gbps and it processes up to 4GB of data per second.
As an industry leader in the graphics memory market, SK Hynix plans to start mass production of this new product in the fourth quarter of this year and lead the eco-friendly solution market.