Kingston Technology will see revenues reach US$1.1 billion in Asia in 2009, up over 20% from US$900 million in 2008, according to Scott Chen, company vice president for APAC business. The figure marks the first time its revenues from the region has surpassed US$1 billion.
Sales generated from India show the biggest growth followed by China, said Chen. In line with the revenue growth, Kingston's overall shipments to the Asia market are expected to increase 45-50% in 2009, Chen noted.
Chen believes the DRAM industry will reach a healthier supply-demand dynamic in 2010, whereas the NAND flash sector will be buoyed by its wider applications. Kingston's revenues from NAND flash products will be higher than DRAM modules next year, with solid-state drives (SSD) accounting for 10-20% of total NAND flash revenues, according to Chen.
Chen said 60% of Kingston's revenues in Asia in 2009 will come from DRAM modules, and the rest from NAND flash devices. The region contributes around 25% to Kingston's worldwide revenues.
In terms of sales growth, India and Vietnam are expected to outperform Kingston's other Asian markets in 2010, Chen noted. Proportion of sales from China may decrease from 37-38% in 2009 to 30% next year.
According to iSuppli, Kingston was able to increase its market share from 27.5% in 2007 to 32.8% in 2008, when the global third-party DRAM module market suffered a revenue decline of 32.3%. Kingston continued to see its share increase to 38.3% in the first half of 2009.