Phison’s July 2020 revenue totaled NT$3,849mn, an increase of nearly 15% (MoM) from the previous month. Accumulated revenue for Jan. - July 2020 reached NT$27,571mn, with an annual growth rate (YoY) of nearly 20%. The raging COVID-19 has indeed had a considerable impact on the global economy, and all countries are striving to recover steadily. Phison also continues to actively strive for global customer orders, and through Phison's flexible cooperation model, it achieves a win-win effect of customer satisfaction, thereby increasing revenue and profit.


Sales Revenue (NT$mn)

Growth Rate

July 2020


15% MoM

Jan. to July   2020


20% YoY


Compared with the same period last year (YoY), the total shipments of memory modules in July were flat. However, the total shipments of PCIe SSD controller ICs grew by 108%, setting a record single-month high. The total shipment growth of eMMC memory products also reached 142%. In addition, for the annual growth rate (YoY) of cumulative shipments from January to July, the total shipments of SSD and eMMC controller ICs increased by 27%, the total shipments of PCIe SSD controller ICs increased by 116%, the total shipment of eMMC memory products reached 231%, the total shipment of industrial products reached 46%, and the total shipped memory bits (Total Bits) grew by nearly 13%, all of which hit a record high in the same period. It shows that although the epidemic has affected the demand of the NAND storage market, Phison has shown strong vitality and strives to reach its growth goal.


July 2020 Business   Highlights (PHISON 8299)



Total shipments   of memory modules


Total shipments   of PCIe SSD controller ICs

108 %

Record High

Total shipments   of eMMC memory products

142 %

Accumulated total   shipments of SSD and eMMC controller for Jan.- July

27 %

Record high

Accumulated total   shipments of PCIe SSD controller for Jan.- July

116 %

Record high

Accumulated total   shipment of eMMC memory products for Jan.- July

231 %

Record high

Accumulated   total shipment of industrial products for Jan.- July

46 %

Record high

Accumulated   Total Memory Bits Shipment for Jan.- July

13 %

Record high


K.S. Pua, Phison CEO and Chairman, said that Phison has entered the high-end industrial storage market more than ten years ago and has begun to show results in recent years. For example, in recent years, due to the demand for charging stations driven by the rise of electric vehicles, Phison has integrated customers' industrial computers, and jointly design-in the charging station system of the largest independent electric vehicle service provider in the United States, and has begun shipping. The requirements of this type of industrial application need that NAND storage products can be used normally under different outdoor environmental conditions. The temperature range may be from low temperature -40 degrees to high temperature of 85 degrees, and it requires 24 hours of uninterrupted operation. It is a considerable challenge for NAND storage products. Through the accumulation of 20 years of technical experience, Phison can not only provide industrial-required storage products that meet the needs of customers of the charging station, but also allow customers to perform remote network control through customized SSD functions, which greatly saves client’s maintenance resources. According to data from market research agencies, the global charging station market has reached 12.7 million units in 2020, which will be positively helpful to Phison's continued increase in the proportion of high-end storage revenue.