AMD today announced that the latest Apple MacBook Pro features the new AMD Radeon Pro 5500M and 5300M mobile GPUs. AMD Radeon Pro 5000M series are the first 7 nm discrete mobile GPUs for professional users, leveraging industry-leading process technology and powerful AMD RDNA architecture to provide groundbreaking levels of graphics performance for video editing, 3D content creation and macOS-based game development. AMD Radeon Pro 5000M series mobile GPUs are built upon the all-new AMD RDNA architecture, designed from the ground up for superior performance, scalability and power efficiency. The new GPUs include up to 8 GB of high-speed GDDR6 memory with up to 192 GB/s memory bandwidth - double the bandwidth of GDDR5 - and also deliver up to 4.0 TFLOPS of single-precision floating-point (FP32) performance. The GPUs are optimized for today's top professional content creation applications and compute-intensive image rendering workloads, delivering breathtaking, ultra-smooth, high-framerate visuals on the MacBook Pro Retina display. "Today's high-end creative professionals want the freedom to bring their ideas to life in the office or on the road without technology getting in their way," said Scott Herkelman, corporate vice president and general manager, Radeon Technologies Group at AMD. "The Radeon Pro 5000M series GPUs provide MacBook Pro users with the horsepower and unmatched visual fidelity allowing them to focus on unleashing their creativity and delivering amazing results." AMD Radeon Pro 5000M products join the AMD Radeon RX 5500 series graphics products announced in October 2019. AMD Radeon RX 5500M gaming GPUs and the new AMD Radeon RX 5300M gaming GPUs are expected to be available in systems from other notebook manufacturers this quarter.