Foxconn Electronics (Hon Hai) will see its revenues continue growing in 2019, but the exact figures can hardly be estimated due to several factors involved, according to company chairman Terry Gou.

Gou said at a recent Foxconn event that what counts most is confidence, hoping all employees have confidence in themselve, the company and the global economy. In 2019 Foxconn will continue to leverage its advantages in the manufacturing sector to develop new businesses mainly associated with new technologies, he added.

He said the global economy will be divided into two major camps: a free economy and trade area led by the US, and a regional economic zone headed by China with a 1.3 billion population. Foxconn now maintains investments in both areas, which, together with its investment in Japan's Sharp, will usher in positive business development for the entire group, Gou said.

He maintained that Foxconn will continue with its construction plans in Wisconsin. The Foxconn chair said he and US president Donald Grump had just exchanged views on the Wisconsin project and concluded that it will focus on the production of 6G TFT LCD panels.

Foxconn's annual revenues had kept expanding from NT$2 trillion (US$64.89 billion) recorded 10 years ago to NT$5.4 trillion in 2018, with the figure adding up to US$6.1 trillion if revenues from Innolux are included.

Gou said 2018 may have been the worst year in the past decade, but 2019 will certainly be the best in the next 10 years. He added that Foxconn's strategy for the next decade is to continue long-term investment in talent cultivation and technology development.