In order to better reflect the market situation, ChinaFlashMarket will make a major adjustment about the quotation system of memory products on January 8th, 2019.

Due to the large adjustment, please do the relevant data backup in advance. If you have any questions, please contact us:

SSD’s quotation is adjusted as follows:

SSD’s quotation will differentiate Channel and OEM markets, and the original SSD’s quotation will be cancelled.

The channel market provides SATA SSD’s quotation, referring to the mainstream transaction price of the channel market.

The industry market provides quotations for SATA and PCIe SSD products, referring to the comprehensive price of high-quality products traded in the mainstream of the industry market.

Add UFS’s quotation:

UFS product’s quotation refers to the product price of the mainstream transactions in the spot market.

eMMC’s quotation is adjusted as follows:

eMCP’s quotation is adjusted as follows:

Cancel the original eMCP 32+16 product quotation.


LPDDR’s quotation is adjusted as follows:

Cancel the original LPDDR4 24Gb/LPDDR4 32Gb product quotation.


Micro SD’s quotation is adjusted as follows:

Cancel the original micro SDHC 8GB ~ 32GB (CL4) and micro SDHC 8GB ~ 32GB (CL10) (MLC) product quotation.

USB’s quotation is adjusted as follows:

Cancel the original quotation of micro COB / UDP 4 GB ~ 64 GB; original COB / UDP 4 GB ~ 64 GB; original USB 3.0 (PCBA) 16 GB ~ 128GB.