Qualcomm's new 7nm, 5G-ready Snapdragon 855 mobile SoC will power a number of new smartphones slated for launch in the first half of 2019, according to the company.

In addition to Samsung Electronics, major based smartphone vendors including Xiaomi, OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo and ZTE have all committed to supporting the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 mobile platform by showcasing 5G mobile demo devices powered by the chip solution.

Asustek Computer, Google, HTC and LG are reportedly other clients of Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 855 chip solution.

Qualcomm's Snapdragon 855 mobile SoC is manufactured using TSMC's 7nm process technology. Despite reports about disappointing sales of the new iPhone devices prompting Apple to cut back its wafer starts at TSMC, the foundry is expected to enjoy a ramp-up of 7nm chip orders from its other major customers, according to market observers.

TSMC will be able to see its fourth-quarter sales meet the company's guidance and also manage to enjoy a particularly strong first quarter of 2019, given that the Taiwan-based company is the only foundry capable of commercially producing 7nm chips, the observers believe.