Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix have already kicked off their respective DRAM EUV technology R&D, with Samsung likely to soon move the process to commercial production, according to Korea media reports.

Samsung has announced that it will soon incorporate EUV technology into 7nm fabrication process before extending the technology to DRAM production, Korea's Business Post has reported.

Samsung indicated that it plans to start adopting EUV technology at the 10nm (1y-nm) node, and then extend the technology to processes under 10nm, so as to boost the technological competitiveness of super-high speed and ultra-capacity DRAM products.

SK Hynix recently also announced a plan to build a new DRAM plant in Icheon City, South Korea, with the plant to adopt the latest EUV technology now under development by the company.

DRAM products manufactured with EUV technology will be highly competitive in the market, as the technology will help to reduce DRAM chip scaling in addition to boosting the performance and power efficiency of the chips, thus significantly reducing production cost.

At the moment, insignificant technical gaps and product differentiations among DRAM makers have led to lingering price competition. But it is expected that DRAM chips to be manufactured by Samsung and SK Hynix with EUV technology will become more competitive and better meet the needs of clients, sources said.

Such emerging tech sectors as 5G, IoT, AI servers and autonomous vehicles require the support of high-performance DRAM chips. While Micron is not so active in adopting EUV technology, Samsung and SK Hynix are expected to sustain their technological leads in DRAM production, the sources commented.