The penetration rate of all-screen displays to total smartphone panel shipments reached 55% in the second quarter of 2018 compared to 42% a quarter earlier, making all-screen panels the mainstream of the industry, according to Sigmaintell Consulting.

By vendors, Samsung Display, Tianma Microelectronics, BOE Technology and AU Optronics (AUO) are the top-four suppliers for all-screen panels.

Propelled by strong demand for high-end all-screen panels from the premium smartphone sectors, the penetration rates of AMOLED and LTPS all-screen displays are relatively higher as compared to a-Si models.

Tianma and AUO have been performing well recently as they both have exerted efforts to roll out LTPS all-screen panels, said Sigmaintell.

The market research firm also estimated that the ratio of all-screen models to all smartphone panel shipments to reach 60% by year-end 2018 and to 90% in 2020, with AMOLED and LTPS models accounting for 90% of all-screen panels. Meanwhile, all-screen models will also account for 65% of total a-Si smartphone panels in 2020.

Smartphone models with notch-less all-screen displays are expected to begin to proliferate in 2019, particularly for the high-end models, and this in turn could push up demand for AMOLED-based screens.

The penetration rate of profile-cut AMOLED all-screen panels will peak in 2018 before dwindling in 2019 due to rising popularity of notch-less and perforated all-screen models, Sigmaintell said.