Nokia has showcased its ReefShark 5G chip as well as the 5G Future X architecture at a telecom forum held in Taipei recently, as the company continues to enhance its deployments in the 5G sector and aims to introduce its latest 5G technologies to local enterprises.

The technology forum was presided over by Mike Wang, president of Greater China Nokia and Volker Ziegler, head of 5G Leadership and chief architect of Nokia Mobile Networks.

While acknowledging that it took years for products such as cars and TVs to proliferate to millions of units to become popular and that the exponential proliferation growth of smartphones was accomplished in a much shorter period of time, the ensuing 5G networks, which feature high-speed transmission rates and low latency, will bring more possibilities for development and also a brand new ecosystem, Wang said.

Meanwhile, Ziegler said that the TAO - transformation, automation and openness - will be key to make 5G move in accelerated and sustainable fashion.

Nokia has come with its ReefShark 5G chipset, and the industry's first commercial programmable 1.2T photonics service engine to help drive the establishment of more 5G network systems, Ziegler stated.

Nokia's ReefShark chipsets leverage in-house silicon expertise to dramatically reduce the size, cost and power consumption of operators' networks and meet the massive compute and radio requirements of 5G, according to company data.

The 5G Future X network is a solution that can effectively expand and meet the needs of network slicing demand, with features including Cloud Packet Core, software disaggregation and stateful efficient processing mechanism.