Apple and Samsung are again headed to court over a massive patent lawsuit Apple originally filed years ago. During the course of this case, Apple has received rulings as large as $1 billion, but its win keeps being challenged. Ten months ago the Supreme Court tossed out a pro-Apple verdict from 2012 and now Judge Lucy Koh has ruled there will be a new trial.

Koh has asked the two companies to propose timelines for this trial.

Apple's $1 billion win in 2012, which was awarded by a federal jury, was one of the largest patent-related rulings in history. The company alleged Samsung infringed upon patents covering core smartphone design elements, among other things.

Samsung finally paid $548 million to Apple in December 2015. Of that, $400 million is at stake in this trial.

Following the Supreme Court's ruling, Apple argued against a new trial, but it lost. The core issue is that the original ruling determined damages based on the price of an entire phone, not on the price of individual components with infringing designs. Samsung says this inflated the decision.