Shipments of iPhone X from Foxconn Electronics (Hon Hai Precision), Apple's sole contractor for the device, will reach around 2-3 million units before Apple begins to deliver the model on November 3, according to a Chinese-language Economic Daily News report.

Citing data from Taipei-based KGI Securities analyst Ming-chi Kuo, Foxconn will manage to ship 25-30 million iPhone X in the fourth quarter of 2017, down from the previous forecast of 30-35 million units, said the report.

However, iPhone X shipments are expected to record a 50% on-quarter growth in the first quarter of 2018 on improved yield rates, Kuo was quoted as saying.

The worst case scenario for the production of 3D sensing modules used by iPhone X is over, with the two suppliers LG Innotek and Sharp to begin ramping up shipments in November and December, respectively, Kuo said.

Sharp has managed to improve the yield rate for the production of 3D sensing modules through technical support from General Interface Solution (GIS), a touch module specialist under Foxconn, the paper said.