Toshiba has transferred its partial stake stake in Phison Electronics to its memory unit, Toshiba Memory (TMC), according to the Taiwan-based memory device controller supplier.

Toshiba has transferred 12,296,416 Phison shares to TMC, said Phison, adding that the remaining 7,524,696 Phison shares Toshiba holds will be transferred to TMC in early August.

Phison added the share transfer will not affect the company's existing board of directors. Toshiba Memory Semiconductor Taiwan will continue to hold a seat on Phison's board after the share transfer completes.

Toshiba announced earlier in 2017 that TMC had been split from the company and became a wholly-owned subsidiary responsible for Toshiba's memory business.

A Reuters report indicated Toshiba's board will meet on July 26 to evaluate offers from Western Digital, Foxconn, and a consortium including Japan-government backed funds, Bain Capital and South Korea-based SK Hynix, for TMC. Toshiba in June disclosed the consortium is its preferred bidder.