With first-tier vendors including Samsung Electronics, Apple and LG Electronics expected to unveil new smartphones in the second half of 2017, upstream component shortages are expected to worsen and could impact PC shipments during the period, according to sources from the upstream supply chain.

Because of the shortages, suppliers of components such as memory and panels are expected to enjoy better revenue performance than downstream vendors in the second half.

Apple's next-generation iPhone is expected to become available in the second half, while Samsung's new Galaxy smartphone is also expected to make its debut around September. LG's new flagship V30 is scheduled to launch at the end of August.

After first-tier smartphone vendors release their products, smaller vendors are expected to follow suit and release new smartphones using similar or even better hardware and technologies to attract demand.

Some vendors have even overbooked components to ensure supplies will remain stable, but such a strategy has caused component prices to rise.

In addition to rising DRAM prices, 18:9 full-screen a-Si panels are expected to see a nearly 10% price increase in the third quarter and shortages in the fourth quarter are also expected to be worse than in the third.