Intel has recently decided to launch its next-generation Ivy Bridge CPU in March of 2012, back from its original schedule at the end of 2011 to allow a better transition between the new and old platform, according to sources from notebook players.
The sources pointed out that the delay of the Ivy Bridge platform will give vendors more time to sell their Sandy Bridge-based notebook models.
Due to Intel Sandy Bridge's 6 series chipset design flaw, Intel recalled the products in January and launched a fixed chipset in April, leaving notebook players suffering from two months of lower demand. With the notebook market also experiencing an impact from the tablet PCs, Intel has decided to slow down its pace and re-organize its lineup by delaying the launch.
Ivy Bridge was originally expected to start mass production in November of 2011 and will be announced in January of 2012, but the delay is expected to move the official launch to after March 2012.