Qualcomm and Apple could end their legal dispute out of court, says Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf, and that may actually be the most likely outcome. They filed lawsuits against each other earlier this year, with Apple starting the fight by claiming the company had charged unfair royalties and hadn't paid rebates.

There's not really anything new going on...those things tend to get to resolved out of court and there's no reason why I wouldn't expect that to be the case here. - Mollenkopf

Apple's lawsuit against Qualcomm for $1 billion came after the FTC issued its own complaint against Qualcomm for anticompetitive licensing practices.

Eventually a countersuit against Apple was filed, with the company accused of breaching licensing agreements and making false statements.

Since those legal filings, Apple has expanded its lawsuit and Qualcomm has filed a patent lawsuit while trying to get some iPhone and iPad imports blocked.