Samsung is making chipset since 2010, but the Exynos chips can only be found on Samsung devices as either Samsung or the phone maker would've had to pay Qualcomm licensing fees if they wanted to use an Exynos SoC in a non-Samsung phone.

Still, that doesn't stop Samsung from making new chipsets and the company has now announced that it has started mass production of Exynos i T200, its first Exynos-branded Internet of Things (IoT) solution.

The chipset is manufactured using 28-nanometer High-K Metal Gate process, and features a Cortex-R4 processor and an Cortex-M0+ co-processor, and has Wi-Fi connectivity. This enables devices to operate without the need for extra controllers. Samsung also implemented security management hardware block in the Exynos i T200.

It is also Microsoft Azure Certified for IoT and natively supports IoTivity, which is an IoT protocol standard from the Open Connectivity Foundation.