Although it's been on a downward trend for years, the PC market may experience growth by 2019. IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Personal Computing Device Tracker anticipates the market is going to do better as a result of detachable tablets, notebook computers, and mobile workstations.

Detachable tablets saw 21.5 million shipments last year. That'll increase to as many as 45.9 million by 2019.

IDC expects desktops to continue declining in popularity. They remain important in some sectors, but they've been replaced by mobile devices and notebooks in many cases.

In the years leading up to 2021, IDC expects desktop shipments will fall by 15 million per year.

Less versatile tablets, like many of the units running Android, are also going to fall from 153.4 million units last year to 107.1 million in 2021.