Worldwide top-5 notebook brand vendors together and top-3 ODMs combined saw their shipments decrease 37% and 32% on month, respectively in April because of their strong shipments in March and weak demand in April. Since April was still in the slow season for the notebook market, inventory adjustment was the key focus for most brand vendors. However, compared to volumes in the same month a year ago, the top-5 vendors' combined shipments were up 6%, while the top-3 ODMs saw growth of 11%, showing that the worldwide notebook market was still on track to a healthy rebound.

Dell surpassed Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Lenovo to become the largest notebook vendor worldwide in April since the vendor only saw limited seasonal impact from the consumer sector and greatly benefited from the enterprise sector's strong growth in demand. HP saw its shipments slip almost 50% on month in April because of its strong shipment results in March, but the volume in April was still up 30% from that of the same month in the previous year, according to Digitimes Research's latest update on notebook shipments.

Third-place Lenovo continued trailing behind HP in April.

As for ODMs, Quanta Computer's shipment lead against second-largest Compal Electronics expanded to 30,000 units in April, compared to less than 10,000 units in March, as HP has been shifting more orders from its other ODM partners to Quanta.